Our Successful Projects

Employee Opinion Survey at Astra Credit Companies (ACC)


Astra Credit Companies (ACC)


Employee Opinion Survey


Astra Credit Companies (ACC) is the largest Financial Services Company owned by Astra International Group in Indonesia with more than 30 years of experience. ACC is fully committed to improving service to the community. ACC has always maintained its reputation as a leading finance company in Indonesia. Not only maintain its reputation in the community, ACC is also committed to its employees.


To measure the Employee Satisfaction Index ACC, in particular, measuring how far ACC meets employee expectations, getting honest feedback from employees, and also obtaining information / early detection of problems that occur currently.


Since 2010, ACC with PQM Consultants conducted an Employee Opinion Survey every two years. The survey was conducted using a census method with a questionnaire. The response rate in 2010, 2012, and 2014 is always over 80%. With this survey result, ACC has a better understanding of employee expectations and needs and also can take action to improve.

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