Our Successful Projects

Lean Six Sigma BPJS Kesehatan


BPJS Kesehatan​


Lean Six Sigma​


To expand its membership, particularly on innovation and simplification of business processes is needed at BPJS through management tools, one of which is through Lean Six Sigma. BPJS Kesehatan has adopted Lean Six Sigma to improve its business process within the company. In 2019, BPJS Kesehatan applied Lean Six Sigma improvement in one of their member recruitment process, that is canvassing, and in 2020 in collaboration with PQM Consultants in Canvassing, Badan Usaha Daftar Sebagian Tenaga Kerja (DTSK), Telemarketing. Edabu class for every branch in Indonesia, with, their focused project improvement that is to expand membership recruitment from the corporate client which has significantly decreased during the pandemic.


The program starts with the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Workshop to 30 Champions from the Head Office and regional deputy, continued by piloting the project in 4 main branch offices to be replicated in every branch in Indonesia. To ensure the effectiveness of Lean Six Sigma project implementation and knowledge on building an improvement culture within the company, PQM consultants provided different formal coaching (online/offline) and also informal coaching by PQM and technical assistance facilitated by Divisi Perluasan Kepesertaan. The program was finished with the Certification Exam for the Champions.


During daily operations, out of 127 branches had to allocate their time to discuss project improvements and coaching with consultants. Scheduling coaching for 127 branches located in 3 different timezones (WIB, WITA, WIT) coordinated by 13 regional deputies was a particular challenge. But with exceptional support from the Divisi Perluasan Peserta Team, Champions, the Branch Manager, and the 13 regional deputies in Indonesia, coaching for 127 branches was done twice a week in every branch in a 5-month time window until the project was finished.

Because the program is done during the pandemic, 90% of workshops and coaching were done online and the rest were offline or a combination of both. This online training and coaching is a challenge on its own since the internet connection within 127 branches in Indonesia is not equally well developed, but through various efforts, training and coaching processes could run well and smoothly until the project was finished.


Running project improvement that focused on improving membership during the pandemic is certainly not an easy task, but with incredible passion from the whole members supported by Master Black Belt and Black Belt Team from PQM Consultants, at the end of the program 127 project improvements were done, resulting in a significant increase of membership (from minus 8,555 members into 118.083 members per month) and contribute to Annual Benefit of more than 54,4 billion.

The program was closed with a Certification Exam, 25 participants were granted a Certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt from PQM and 5 participants were granted a Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt from IQF (International Quality Federation, USA). These certified LSSGBs are expected to be promoted as Champions or as change agents at BPJS Kesehatan and to monitor sustainable improvement activities within 127 branches in 13 regional deputies throughout Indonesia.

BPJS Kesehatan previously named Askes (Asuransi Kesehatan, Health Insurance), is managed by PT Askes Indonesia (Persero). PT Askes Indonesia transformed into BPJS Kesehatan on January 1st, 2014. BPJS Kesehatan has a vision in protecting all Indonesian Citizens by providing comprehensive, fair, and equitable health insurance.

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