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Quality Assurance Implementation: Quality Management System on Higher Education Tarumanagara University


Tarumanagara University


Quality Assurance


Universitas Tarumanagara (UNTAR) is one of the biggest non-government university in Indonesia. UNTAR was established in 1960. In their 57th year of providing higher education in Indonesia, they envisioned becoming Excellent Entrepreneurial University in South East Asia which has Integrity and Professionalism. For that, UNTAR implements a Quality Management System, such as ISO 9001. Besides meeting the requirements from Indonesia’s government, the implementation of the Quality Management System in UNTAR is also to increase the quality process of the Three Pillars of Higher Education.

ISO 9001 implementation as a Quality Management System has been started systematically since 2009 for its faculties and majors in UNTAR. The Quality Management System which has been applied is also used as an accreditation process support of various majors and the whole institution in UNTAR. At the end of 2017, UNTAR must implement SPMI as a requirement in the Quality Management System.


In 2009, the Rector, Foundation Management, and Faculty Leader were committed to implementing ISO 9001. Various training and workshops were conducted to help stakeholders at UNTAR understand the importance of ISO 9001. All of the faculty in UNTAR got ISO 9001 certification in 2015. In 2007, PQM Consultants started to facilitate the Upgrading of ISO 9001:2015 by providing workshops and training. ISO Upgrading is mandatory because there are some changes from the previous version which was ISO 9001:2008 and also as a part of the requirement for SPMI integration.


In 2017, all of faculty and majors in UNTAR have been certified with ISO 9001 including its bachelor program, post graduate program and profession program such as Public Notary. ISO 9001 also helps UNTAR to achieve excellent accreditation (Akreditasi A) from BAN PT for the university and also the majors in UNTAR. At the end of 2017, SPMI documentation also has finished. Universitas Tarumanagara is one of established university in Indonesia.

Nowadays, UNTAR has been upgrading into ISO 9001:2015 and integrated their quality management system with SPMI (Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Internal) As a result UNTAR achieve excellent accreditation from BAN PT (Akreditasi A).

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