
We do everything possible for our staff...

Build Career that Matter

We are an established and reputable Management Consulting company specializing in Productivity and Quality Improvement. We believe sustainable improvement can only happen through people development. We have existed for 33 years with great list of clients. At PQM Consultants, we believe in developing our people to achieve their upmost potential. We have a culture where we value learning and improving together. Join us if you believe this too.

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Only motivated specialist can build a successful career and benefit the company.

Therefore, knowing this fact, PQM Consultants. it takes maximum care of its staff. We provide additional training, insurance, compensation, etc. It pays a lot of attention in the direction of continuous training of our staff. Specialized courses, lectures and seminars provide an opportunity to improve their professional level. Special packages of health insurance, food at the expense of a company car, payment of fuel and maintenance. We are doing everything possible, what would your work comfortable and efficient.

Arief Hanifan
PQM Consultants memberi saya kesempatan untuk berkembang dalam menimba ilmu pekerjaan yang belum pernah saya dapatkan di kantor sebelumnya. Melalui program mentoring, saya mendapat banyak bimbingan dari senior-senior saya yang berguna untuk mandiri dalam mengambil keputusan
Dengan value growing together yang ada di PQM Consultants, saya merasa nyaman sekali berada dikantor. Teamwork yang baik dan rasa kekeluargaan yang membuat saya nyaman bertahan dikantor ini selama 5 tahun,
Selain kami di ajarkan banyak ilmu pekerjaan, tidak lupa juga PQM Consultants menanamkan pada diri saya jiwa entrepreneurship, dimana saya harus cepat,gesit dan tangkas dalam menghadapi era globalisasi ini