Autonomous Maintenance

Autonomous Maintenance : Breakdown Prevention by Operators

Zero breakdown target will never be achieved when only Maintenance Department is involved in handling machine breakdown. This is so because the breakdowns do not stop but develop from a small to serious ones. Zero breakdowns can be achieved only if production operators are involved in finding any abnormalities.

Maintenance activities conducted  by production operators are known as Autonomous Maintenance. This is the most important element in Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) implementation. In Autonomous Maintenance, production operators do not only run production process, but are also involved in simple maintenance activities. By doing this, symptom of breakdown can be detected as early as possible, so that it may be entirely avoided.

Project Objectives

  • To understand the basic concept of Total Productive Maintenance
  • To understand the basics of Autonomous Maintenance implementation
  • To understand the steps in implementing Autonomous Maintenance
  • To understand the role of leaders in the implementation of Autonomous Maintenance

Program Outline

  • Basic concept of Total Productive Maintenance
  • Basic Philosophy of Autonomous Maintenance
  • 5S as the basic implementation of Autonomous Maintenance
  • The implementation steps of Autonomous Maintenance
    1. Initial cleaning
    2. Preventing contamination at the source
    3. Cleaning and lubricating standard
    4. Total inspection
    5. Autonomous Maintenance standard
    6. Quality assurance process
    7. Independent supervision
  • Field Practice
  • Roles of leaders in the implementation of Autonomous Maintenance

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